Monday, August 30, 2010

Will Run for Cupcakes

Monday, August 30, 2010

Had to write a post!
Anyone who knows me well, knows of my somewhat unhealthy obsession with the Web site Etsy. For anyone who is not familiar with Etsy, it's very similar to eBay but consists of all things handcrafted/artisan (love).

Not a day of mine goes by without spending a little bit of time seeing what kinds of goodies I can come across on Etsy (in fact, some of you are getting Christmas presents that have come from Etsy - get excited, because they're awesome!)

Anyways, THIS is what I just discovered. WILL RUN FOR CUPCAKES! I have often said that I want to get a t-shirt custom made that says just that. Seriously great.

On another note, tonight was the first night of Steve's 10 km clinic at the Running Room. What a turnout! It was a fabulous first night and I am looking forward to helping out with the group and meeting new people!


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