I run for fitness, not to race. Always. I participate in "races", but the end goal is always to finish strong and feel good about my accomplishments, never anything else....although, sometimes during, or after, a difficult run, one's brain would have one believe that nothing sort of being THE BEST is acceptable.....but those are fleeting moments.
I love to run and socialize with my running friends, and NEVER run more than 3 times a week. I try to incorporate running into my life, not have a life based on running.
This blog is about my journey towards the marathon. My goal is to enter via the marathon lottery, which can take up to 4 years. In the meantime, I thought I would bring others along on my journey, which is always more important than the destination.
This blog will be INTERACTIVE. You will see photos, maybe even a few videos. Ideas and inspiration.
I encourage my readers to bookmark and check back regularly! Send me your comments and questions! I would love to hear from you!
(a picture of me finishing my first 16k/10 mile race in 2008 - the completion of my first big running goal!)
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